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Monday, March 29, 2010

Hot Gosip Dewi Persik on Film Mati di Ranjang

it's so many thing happen in the past few days and the latest is about Hot Gosip Dewi Persik on her new Hot Film called Tiran or "Mati di Ranjang" and in this Hot Movie Dewi Persik dare to show her sexy body even not "Bugil" but still that action is part of the show and make everyone wondering about Dewi Persik act.

and other comment of Yuni Shara about the relationship between Krisdayanti and Raul who definitely wrong. and there is one more Hot News and Gosip which is there is so many Indonesian Actress who getting married this month but in the next few years there will be so many Indonesian Actress who getting divorce, may be that what called "Musim Kawin Cerai".

back again to Dewi Persik who never stop to make scandal and bad movement in the world of Indonesian Sexy Celebrity and that will make her name written in the black list of Indonesian Celebrity.

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