ARTIS SEKSI KU | Information Indonesian Actress, Sexy Actress Indonesia, Foto Sexy, Hot Image, Hot Pictures, No Porn, 17 Tahun

Saturday, January 30, 2010


When I wake up this morning, I think this is one of best thing happen in my life because me and ARTIS SEKSI, I mean SEKSI ARTIS has something from the blog and it's make me really happy and make me more and more to rise my spirit to do more for ARTIS SEKSI KU and today I will start with the information of Asty Ananta, the Young Hot Seksi Presenter.

Asty Ananta is one of Hot Sexy Presenter that Indonesia have, because she is beauty and also sexy. with her beauty and Hot Sexy Body, Asty Ananta comes to the world of Indonesian Hot Celebrities and start to work on it. Asty Ananta is also one of the ARTIS SEKSI in Indonesia.

There is so many road that Asty has too face even she is a little sister from Lia Ananta but this ARTIS SEKSI don't want just famous like that without work hard and she start to follow any contest and from there this SEKSI ARTIS finally made up to become TOP ARTIS in Indonesia.

In her private lifes Asty Ananta also ever has relationship with Yuliansyah but that relationship doesn't run like what they hope, they separate and that make something Skandal Artis Seksi for Asty Ananta. there is so many Sinetron and TV show that Asty Ananta brought and she is one of the best to do her job. and now lets see a little bit information about her.

Sinetron :
  • Ksatria Banjaran
  • Sebatas Impian
  • Darah Membara
  • Cewek Komersil
  • Cinta Anak Kampus
May be enough for today and hope in the other days ARTIS SEKSI KU will give you more information of ARTIS INDONESIA SEKSI. If you want to see other side of SEKSI ARTIS, you may visit my other blogs, thanks.

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